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Download driver mainboard amptron socket 478 motherboard: Amptron drivers FAQ and support


The IC7 and IC7-G are retail Socket 478 motherboards built by ABIT. The only difference is that the IC7-G supports GBit Ethernet via the additionally soldered Intel 82547 NIC while the IC7 supports Fast Ethernet through the ICH5R southbridge integrated controller.

PC Chips (Hsing Tech Enterprise Co.) was a low-end motherboard manufacturer for the IBM PC and its compatibles during the DOS era. Founded in 1984, they later became one of the major shareholders in Elitegroup (ECS) in 1998 and finally merged with ECS in 2005.

download driver mainboard amptron socket 478 motherboard

The were somewhat famous in the mid 90s to early 2000s for building motherboards with fake cache chips on 486 boards, including modified BIOS to show the presence of a cache when there wasn't one, and relabelled chipsets (socket 5, 7 and slot 1) suggesting they were better than Intel's.

The blue socket in the corner is for a math coprocessor. Another revision of this board has a socket for the main CPU instead of the PQFP (Plastic Quad Flat Package) you see in the rev 3.1 image above. Socketed versions support the Cyrix Cx486DLC or Texas Instruments TX486DLC chips.

This is one of the PC Chips boards that have the fake cache chips, as can be seen in the top-right corner of the image above - this means that unless you have a COASt module installed in the slot, the motherboard has no L2 cache. Either a 256 KB or 512 KB module of asynchronous SRAM or a 256 KB module of pipeline-burst SRAM can be installed. The board can support a cacheable area up to 64 KB of cache.

This motherboard often had its chipset relabelled to "VX Pro II", but is in fact an Ultron (aka Hintcorp) UT801X. The chipset does NOT support UDMA or ACPI. The "1437" in the AMI BIOS string indicates the board is by Hsing Tech, PCChips' actual company name.

This motherboard often had its chipset relabelled to "Super TX3" or "TX Pro II", but is in fact an SiS 5598. It supports Pentium P54C 75 to 266 MHz, P55C (Pentium MMX), Cyrix/IBM 6x86MX (M-II), IDT Winchip C6, and AMD K5 and K6 CPUs (including K6-2+ and K6-3+). FSB speeds are 50, 60, 66 and 75 MHz. The board has 512 KB of L2 cache onboard.

This motherboard often had its chipset relabelled to "TX Pro", but is in fact an ALi M1531 (Aladdin IV+). Testing a AMD K6-2 / 400 2.2V core on the jumper groups JP5 and JP7 (the CPU can work in underclocking and overclocking and with FSB from 66 to 83MHz). With clock multiplier 2 and FSB 83MHz the AMD K6-2 / 500 can also be installed (the CXT processor core remaps from 2.0x to 6.0x).

Reports on the web also indicate that this motherboard has serious stability problems when trying to run FSB at 100 MHz, e.g. with an AMD K6-2 350 at 100 x 3.5 multiplier. Instead running it at 83.5 x 4.5 multiplier (375 MHz). Apparently the SiS chipset on this board is not rated for above 90 Mhz, and is very unstable even at that speed. When you set FSB to 95 MHz it actually runs it at 90 Mhz, which causes the stability problems, such as registry errors.

It also has a COAST slot to 'expand' the level 2 cache, populated in the pictured board on the middle-right above the CPU socket (Actually it's not a standard COAST slot! Be warned this slot only support PC Chips own' equivalents - apparently the pinouts are different so you may damage a standard COAST SRAM card or your motherboard if you use it in this board!!). Because the actual level 2 cache chips are simply black squares of plastic, it's a slightly redeeming fact they included this so you can at least have some level 2 cache if you put an SRAM cache card in this slot.

Revision 3.4 B/F didn't have the fake cache chips - they had no cache unless you installed a COAST cache module. Performance of the M919 with a 256 KB cache module installed is on par with the Biostar MB-8433UUD motherboard with which it shares the same chipset.

Another interesting thing about the M919 is that it's one of the only Cyrix 5x86-supporting motherboards that has several feature-enabling options directly within the BIOS for this CPU range - they are Linear Burst Mode and Load Store Reordering. For the other many performance-enhancing features of the 5x86, you would need to use one of the Cyrix 5x86 utilities.

saya instal main board Amptron I945LM4 V1.52 secara benar tpi audio nya kok gak aktif padahal smua driver dari Bos Aldy uda saya instal dengan benar termasuk juga driver souncardX. mohon solusinya Master Aldy?????

Motherboard Amptron ZX-I945LM4 dengan socket 478 untuk processor Pentium 4. Menggunakan chipset INTEL I945 dengan slot RAM DDR2 dan terdapat slot PCIe 16x. Driver untuk motherboard ini cukup susah ditemukan. Berikut saya share download link untuk driver Motherboard Amptron ZX-I945LM4.

catatan: Motherboard merek Amptron s478/DDR2/PCIe seringkali mengalami masalah / kerusakan. Motherboard ini menjadi salah satu pilihan konsumen karena harganya yang relatif murah. Bagi konsumen yang memiliki budget terbatas boleh saja anda memilih untuk membeli motherboard ini. Tetapi ingat bahwa kualitas motherboard ini tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan merek PC-Chip / ECS yang tidak terpaut jauh perbedaan harganya. Jika anda memiliki budget lebih saya sarankan untuk memilih motherboard merek lain.Semoga bermanfaat.

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Masih punya PC dg mainboard amstron peninggalan tahun 2011. Dah lama ga di pakai karena masih pakai windows XP dengan Ram 4 Gb. Punya cerita ingin dipakai dengan mengganti dg windows 7. Setelah di install windows7 cari driver untuk mainboard armstrong tapi karena drivernya hanya tersedia paling tinggi sampai windows XP. Sehingga windows 7 tidak tuntas menginstall. Para sahabat adakah solusinya mengatasi driver yg tidak compatible dg windows 7. Terimakasih

mas saya mau tnya nh..mobo saya amptron p4m890.. saya mau pasang dvd-rw LG sata, kok ga ke baca ya? kira2 knp tuh ya mas? pa slot satanya rusak? cz,driver mobo saya hilang,klu bisa kasih link wat download driver mobo saya.. mohon bantuanya..makasih!!

Mas aku pake amptron p4m800. aku udah instal pake XP sp3. tinggal usb-nya belum bisa berfungsi. aku udah download dari link usb2.0 yang ada diatas, pas diinstal cuma auto restart komputer trus ga ada penginstalan sama sekali. Apa yang salah?? Thx.

Mas, aku pake mobo Amptron G31LM LGA 775, audio nya realtek ALC653 AC-97, sudah download driver yang terbaru,tapi kenapa masih ga bisa bunyi yah?di bios settingnya AC97 kan bukan Azalia?Thanks yahh..

Biasanya mainboard dengan chipset Intel G31 (LGA 775) sudah memakai driver High Definition (HD) Audio. Apalagi di BIOS-nya sudah ada pengaturan mengenai Azalia. Pilih Auto/Enabled pada pengaturan Azalia di BIOS.

mas saya mau tnya nh.mohon bantuannya yah.mobo saya amptron p4m890.. saya mau pasang dvd-rw LG sata, kok ga ke baca ya? kira2 knp tuh ya mas? pa slot satanya rusak? cz,driver mobo saya hilang,klu bisa kasih link wat download driver mobo saya.. mohon bantuanya..termakasih!!

Sya baru bisa instal komptr. sya pake Windows xp3, Maeboard yg sya pake AMPTRON P4M890-8237tpi cd drivernya dah rusak. Bantuin donk di mana download drivernya. sya bingung downlod sana sini gk brhasil. mkasi ya lok mau di bantuin

@denyboySecara umum saya tetap TIDAK merekomendasikan motherboard Amptron alasannya ;1. vendor tidak jelas2. Dukungan driver nggak nggenah3. distributor di mangga dua juga nggak jelas, banyak toko tutup mulut.4. Ada kemiripan layout dengan motheboard lain, disinyalir merupakan motherboard afkiran5. Banyak masalah timbul pada motherboard, saya katakan kebanyakan, ini lebih dari 30 %, pasti ada yang tidak bisa dijelaskan di sini, dan pihak vendor tidak pernah memberikan keterangan pers.Berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut jika anda bersikap dewasa, maka anda dapat menentukan sikap.

Guwe sampai bingung dari mana mau memulai menjawab, terus terang tadi guwe lagi meeting sama teman di Citywalk Sudirman. analisis guwe sih kalo dilihat antara prosesor dengan RAM nggak imbang, P4 itu khan menggunakan DDR1 trus mobonya dipaksain pake DDR2 karena mobonya Amptron, ketidakseimbangan ini sering mengakibatkan bottleneck dan berakibat restart. Anda sudah reset bios, ganti PSU, ganti RAM. Perlu anda ketahui kadang mobo itu suka pilih2 RAM.Saya rasa prosesor sih nggak masalah, yang jadi masalah adalah tidak ada kerja sama antara prosesor dengan RAM, sepanjang masih bisa nyala dan masuk BIOS or POST prosesor no problem, eksekusi waktu boot itu baru menentukan bekerja dengan RAM dll. Karena waktu POST/BIOS beban prosesor kecil jadi nggak ngaruh secara kinerja. Barulah ketika boot prosesor akan bekerja keras, dia minta ram dll bekerja sesuai keinginan prosesor. Kecurigaan terbesar guwe terletak pada RAM, guwe nggak tahu mobonya apa, kalo bener Amptron saya akan mengatakan mobo amptron pilih2 RAM agar stabil. Memang solusi utama adalah ganti motherboard, lagian P4 menggunakan DDR2 adalah seperti nggak lazim, karena clock, timing ram lebih cepet dari DDR1, jadi tidak ada keseimbangan. Namun ada kalanya stabil. Coba anda check berapa FSB mobo dengan FSB prosesor, jika tidak imbang maka inilah yang menyebabkan sistem berantakan. 2ff7e9595c

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