This demonstrates the expected response from a bleeding edge serverthat supports up to the current microversion. When querying OpenStackenvironments you will typically find the current microversion on thev2.1 API is lower than listed below.
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When you create a server, you can specify a password through theoptional adminPass attribute. The password must meet the complexityrequirements set by your OpenStack Compute provider. The server mightenter an ERROR state if the complexity requirements are not met. Inthis case, a client might issue a change password action to reset theserver password.
You can specify custom server metadata at server launch time. Themaximum size for each metadata key-value pair is 255 bytes. The computeprovider determines the maximum number of key-value pairs for eachserver. You can query this value through the maxServerMeta absolutelimit.
To customize the personality of a server instance, you can inject datainto its file system. For example, you might insert ssh keys, setconfiguration files, or store data that you want to retrieve from insidethe instance. This customization method provides minimal launch-timepersonalization. If you require significant customization, create acustom image.
In a hybrid environment, the underlying implementation might not controlthe IP address of a server. Instead, the access IP address might be partof the dedicated hardware; for example, a router/NAT device. In thiscase, you cannot use the addresses that the implementation provides toaccess the server from outside the local LAN. Instead, the API mightassign a separate access address at creation time to provide access tothe server. This address might not be directly bound to a networkinterface on the server and might not necessarily appear when you querythe server addresses. However, clients should use an access address toaccess the server directly.
Servers contain a status attribute that indicates the current serverstate. You can filter on the server status when you complete a listservers request. The server status is returned in the responsebody. The possible server status values are:
SUSPENDED. The server is suspended, either by request ornecessity. When you suspend a server, its state is storedon disk, all memory is written to disk, and the server is stopped.Suspending a server is similar to placing a device in hibernation and itsoccupied resource will not be freed but rather kept for when the server isresumed. If a server is infrequently used and the occupied resource needsto be freed to create other servers, it should be shelved.
For non-admin users, whitelist is different from admin users whitelist.The valid whitelist can be configured using theos_compute_api:servers:allow_all_filters policy rule. By default,the valid whitelist for non-admin users includes
Starting with microversion 2.69 if server details cannot be loadeddue to a transient condition in the deployment like infrastructure failure,the response body for those unavailable servers will be missing keys. Seehandling down cellssection of the Compute API guide for more information on the keys thatwould be returned in the partial constructs.
Filters the response by a server name, as a string. You can use regular expressionsin the query. For example, the ?name=bob regular expression returns both boband bobb. If you must match on only bob, you can use a regular expression thatmatches the syntax of the underlying database server that is implemented for Compute,such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.
Sort direction. A valid value is asc (ascending) or desc (descending).Default is desc. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort directionquery parameters. If you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the naturalsorting direction of the server sort_key attribute.
Sorts by a server attribute. Default attribute is created_at. You canspecify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. Ifyou omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sortingdirection of the server sort_key attribute. The sort keys are limitedto:
Filters the response by a date and time stamp when the server last changed.Those servers that changed before or equal to the specified date and time stampare returned. To help keep track of changes this may also return recently deletedservers.
A list of network object. Required parameter when there are multiplenetworks defined for the tenant. When you do not specify the networksparameter, the server attaches to the only network created for thecurrent tenant. Optionally, you can create one or more NICs on the server.To provision the server instance with a NIC for a network, specifythe UUID of the network in the uuid attribute in a networksobject. To provision the server instance with a NIC for an alreadyexisting port, specify the port-id in the port attribute in anetworks object.
If multiple networks are defined, the order in which they appear in theguest operating system will not necessarily reflect the order in which theyare given in the server boot request. Guests should therefore not dependon device order to deduce any information about their network devices.Instead, device role tags should be used: introduced in 2.32, broken in2.37, and re-introduced and fixed in 2.42, the tag is an optional,string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to a virtual networkinterface. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API andthe config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that networkinterface, such as bus (ex: PCI), bus address (ex: 0000:00:02.0), and MACaddress.
To provision the server instance with a NIC for an already existing port,specify the port-id in the port attribute in a networks object.The port status must be DOWN. Required if you omit the uuidattribute. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports.
A device role tag that can be applied to a network interface. The guest OSof a server that has devices tagged in this manner can access hardwaremetadata about the tagged devices from the metadata API and on the configdrive, if enabled.
The availability zone from which to launch the server. When youprovision resources, you specify from which availability zone youwant your instance to be built. Typically, an admin user will useavailability zones to arrange OpenStack compute hosts into logicalgroups.
An availability zone provides a form of physical isolation and redundancy fromother availability zones. For instance, if some racks in your data center areon a separate power source, you can put servers in those racks in their own availabilityzone. Availability zones can also help separate different classes of hardware. Bysegregating resources into availability zones, you can ensure that your applicationresources are spread across disparate machines to achieve high availability inthe event of hardware or other failure. SeeAvailability Zones (AZs) for more information.
You can list the available availability zones by calling theAvailability zones (os-availability-zone) API, but you should avoid using the defaultavailability zonewhen creating the server. The default availability zone is named nova.This AZ is only shown when listing the availability zones as an admin.
A path to the device for the volume that you want to use to boot the server.Note that as of the 12.0.0 Liberty release, the Nova libvirt driver nolonger honors a user-supplied device name. This is the same behavior as ifthe device name parameter is not supplied on the request.
A device role tag that can be applied to a block device. The guest OS of aserver that has devices tagged in this manner can access hardware metadataabout the tagged devices from the metadata API and on the config drive, ifenabled.
The device volume_type. This can be used to specify the type of volumewhich the compute service will create and attach to the server.If not specified, the block storage service will provide a default volumetype. See the block storage volume types APIfor more details.There are some restrictions on volume_type:
Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers.A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which itwas created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the serverfrom which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can includethis attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. Ifthe OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot createa server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO.A valid value is:
The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. Themaximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes. The maximum limit is the numberof allowed bytes in the decoded, rather than encoded, data.
One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in thename attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the serverin the default security group. Requested security groups are notapplied to pre-existing ports.
A list of trusted certificate IDs, which are used during imagesignature verification to verify the signing certificate. The list isrestricted to a maximum of 50 IDs. This parameter is optional in servercreate requests if allowed by policy, and is not supported forvolume-backed instances.
The name of the compute service host on which the server is to be created.The API will return 400 if no compute services are found with the givenhost name. By default, it can be specified by administrators only.
Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address(os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter.If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified andthis paramete is omitted, /24 is used.It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is availableon cloud side.
The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy ofthe server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinityor soft-affinity).It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter,ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher,ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side. 2ff7e9595c